299 Days is an exciting new book series written by Glen Tate that is set to be released in the beginning of September, 2012. 299 Days is a fictional series based on current events which follows the progression of the economic collapse of the United States. This will be a unique series in that it does not portray the complete and utter destruction of civilization, but rather a smaller, somewhat more realistic economic decline, similar to what occurred in the Great Depression of the 1930’s. While I haven’t had the opportunity to read the first book in the series, I have listened to a number of podcast interviews in which the author Glen Tate discusses his new series (see below for links to those interviews). I was impressed. As a matter of fact, one of the most fascinating interviews that I have listened to in some time was when Glen Tate is interviewed by Jack Spirko on The Survival Podcast. This series is truly a case of fact meeting fiction. From what I have learned about 299 Days, people in many areas of the US will continue to have electricity and other utilities provided. The government will also remain in control in the early stages of the breakdown, though it is forced to accept a less significant role due to its lack of resources and crushing debt. I am really looking forward to reading this new series. The publisher, Prepper Press, will be releasing a total of ten books over approximately a one year time span. In honor of what I believe will be an excellent shit hits the fan, semi-apocalyptic book series I will be giving away a copy of Book One:The Preparation to a lucky person that participates in the Rafflecopter giveaway below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Follow the links below to listen to Glen Tate’s recent podcast interviews:
…with Jack Spirko on The Survival Podcast CLICK HERE
…with The Gun Runner Podcast CLICK HERE
…with The Gun Dude’s Podcast CLICK HERE
…with The Bad Quaker Podcast CLICK HERE
Also check out http://299days.com for the latest updates on the series.
Update – Book 1 and 2 of the 299 Days Series is Now available at Amazon through the links below:
Sounds like a good book! Hope I win!
Thanks for playing Dina!
Thanks, Apocalpytic Fiction, for warmly receiving the book. I think you’ll like it. The partial collapse I write about is different than almost all other prepper books. A partial collapse is what I think is coming.
Thanks again.
You’re welcome Glen and thanks for your comment! I’m really looking forward to reading 299 Days! While I hope you aren’t right about the partial collapse as it will certainly lead to a drastic lifestyle change for most of us, I won’t be surprised if it happens with the way that things are going.
I just finished reading both The Preparation and The Collapse. They were excellent and books that I’d recommend highly. My only disappointment is that I have to wait another three months for the next two installments.
I read a lot of PAW fiction and I’d put this series up there with David Crawford’s Lights Out and Tom Sherry’s Deep Winter (and the follow-ups).
Thanks for your comment John! I’m really looking forward to reading these books – I have them loaded into my Kindle but have to finish a couple of others first to keep up with previous obligations. By the way, your blog post on the castle doctrine in the UK is interesting. My feeling is that if thieves had a good chance of getting shot when they do break ins, they would do it a lot less often. It’s common sense right? I’m sure many of these laws were originally based on common sense and things got muddled up along the way.