After the Storm

after the storm

An asteroid collision has destroyed civilization as we know it, killing 95% of the world’s population in Don Chase’s post apocalyptic novel After the Storm Book One: Menotomy. A group of survivors, at its core lifelong friends, have built an organized cooperative of sorts in the rubble of the Boston suburb, Arlington, Massachusetts (Menotomy). While the Boston area has escaped complete physical destruction due to the location of the asteroid strikes, it has been decimated by the complete collapse of economic, social and civil structure. Additionally, the world has gone into a nuclear winter caused by the massive amount of debris that was released into the atmosphere after the meteor collision. The group of survivors or “clan” as they are referred to in this post apocalyptic novel, has built their headquarters out of an abandoned strip mall. Duncan Mackenzie or “Mack” as he is most often referred, has been reluctantly cast as the leader of this small suburban Boston clan. Mack has more than his fair share of problems in this new world. Of course, food, water, fuel and medical supplies are always in very short supply but a new complication arises as the remnants of the US Army, ruled by a non-elected, ethically challenged government, comes up from their bunkers and tries to reestablish control over the population.

Given such a dire post apocalyptic setting, the characters in After the Storm relate in a refreshingly jovial manner, “busting balls”, as longtime friends are prone to doing. Under extraordinary amounts of stress, we see how close friendships, community support and comradely are essential in the survival and well-being of everyone in this tight-knit group. The development and continuation of meaningful, substantial relationships becomes the source of strength for the entire community. As long as one doesn’t get hung up on some of the minor technical details that could upset some hard-core prepper types, such as the reliance on gasoline without mention of its limited life span, After the Storm is a very enjoyable book. The story is continuously refreshed through the often times hilarious dialogue between regular folks. After the Storm is different from many apocalyptic novels. Instead of focusing on endless scientific and technical details, it primarily focuses on the relationships that would sustain survival. After all, meaningful relationships are what would make survival worthwhile in the first place. It is a point well taken by this reader.

Supercut Apocalypse

For those of you that enjoy a good Youtube video you might want to take a look at this one. It features a variety of scenes from a number of apocalyptic movies including Terminator 2, Signs, The Day After, Resident Evil, War of the Worlds and a lot more. Journey to the Plains by Shels is played in the background which is a pretty cool song! Watch the video below:

Lucifer’s Hammer

Lucifer’s Hammer was written by Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle in the late 1970’s. The story follows the discovery of a new comet named Hamner-Brown, later named “Lucifer’s Hammer”, as it unexpectedly slams into the earth causing widespread devastation and destruction. The book introduces a number of interesting characters and follows their lives pre and post-disaster. The scope of the disaster in this story is incredible as the impact from the comet causes tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes all over the planet. A lot of the most interesting parts of Lucifer’s Hammer take place in the post-comet world. The authors really “push the limits” in their exploration of the ways in which knowledge and science could be used to “even the odds” for survivors in a post-apocalyptic scenario. Survivors use some rather “unique” methods to defend themselves from the ruthless-raider-cannibal types. It is doubtful that the authors would be permitted to describe some of their unorthodox defensive measures if the book was released today.

Lucifer’s Hammer is different from other apocalypse-themed books in that it doesn’t demonize technology and science as is often the case with many other fictional works in this genre. Instead, the authors explore how knowledge, science and technology could be utilized to recover from an apocalyptic disaster. Overall, I would recommend Lucifer’s Hammer for its unique perspective and for its pure entertainment value.