In her book The Last Degree, Dina Rae gives us a fascinating, sometimes frightening glimpse into the inner workings of the secret societies and their evil apocalyptic conspiracy.
This is a very enjoyable book. Normally, I do most of my reading at night, but I’ll admit parts of this book were read in the daytime as the occult and satanic subject matter was keeping me awake.
The Last Degree refers to the highest level of achievement in Freemasonry. As it turns out, at least according to the author, Freemasonry is deeply involved in the occult and is working behind the scenes to implement a “New World Order” under the rule of the devil and his/her followers. Different books from the bible, including Revelations are skillfully interwoven with Freemason mythology and world history to create a seamless apocalyptic scenario.
At first, The Last Degree has elements of a crime story and mystery as detectives and a reporter investigate the murder of the highest ranking Freemason in Chicago. As the story unfolds, Dina Rae expertly adds elements of religion, espionage, war and politics to create a complex and multidimensional world. For this reason, The Last Degree will appeal to a wide variety of readers. Clearly, Dina Rae has considerable knowledge and has done a lot of research in writing this book. Conspiracy buffs will be delighted! From the survivalist compounds in the Smokey Mountains to the intricate details of the Freemason rituals, The Last Degree will keep you in suspense from start to finish. This is a 5 star book that I can easily recommend!
Thanks so much for reading, posting, and reviewing! You and your readers are the audience that I was going for while writing. Much, much appreciated. Dina Rae