Giveaway – Win a Copy of Glen Tate’s 299 Days Book One The Preparation


299 Days Book One The Preparation

This cat knows a good book when he sees one!

We just got a copy of 299 Days Book One: The Preparation. There’s still time to enter our giveaway to win a free copy of the first book in the 299 Days Series! Enter below:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Poll 1: Realistic Apocalyptic Books?


The Most Realistic Apocalyptic Book

What are the most realistic apocalyptic books? I find books portraying widespread pandemics to be most believable. Although zombie books are certainly enjoyable, I have left them out of the poll due to the unlikelihood of their existence (at least I hope). I have listed some of the most popular apocalyptic books below. Please vote from the list and feel free to leave comments. Thanks!

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