I am Legend is a novel written by Richard Matheson released in 1954 and has been adapted to the big screen several times, the latest being directed by Francis Lawrence in 2007. I am going to discuss the 2007 film as I just saw it again and thoroughly enjoyed it.
I am Legend tells a story of a man that survives a pandemic that kills most of the human population. Most of the people that aren’t killed by the pandemic are transformed into zombie / vampire type of creatures. These creatures feed off of other living creatures such as animals and of course, the remaining human survivors. Robert Neville, played by Will Smith, is a virologist working to find a cure for the virus. He also is the last human alive in New York City.
The pandemic is described through a series of flashbacks in which Robert Neville recalls, among other things, the horror of losing his family. I would recommend the movie just to see the scenes of a post-virus New York City which are amazing! I Am Legend is one of my favorite movies and I would highly recommend it.