Revolution Episodes 2-4

I just had the chance to watch the last few episodes of the Revolution tv series that have been sitting on the DVR for a while. A number of people have left comments on how they have been disappointed in the show for a variety of reasons. Some complain that the characters are too well-groomed and that the acting is sub par. While I agree with some of the criticism, I still enjoyed the episodes. Maybe my expectations for realism in fiction are low. In terms of tone, Revolution is much less ominous than The Walking Dead. In fact, many of the settings are bright and sunlit, as if speculating on how nature might take things back, though there is no mention of melted down nuclear reactors or other industrial processes left unattended. The Walking Dead has a gloomy end of the world feeling that is completely lacking in Revolution. Clearly Revolution is written more for a mainstream audience and may not appeal to the more traditional post apocalyptic and horror fiction fans. If nothing else, maybe it will make some people out there question their total dependence on electricity. I’ll continue to watch the series for its moderate entertainment value, not for its acting or realism.

Watch episodes through NBC’s website: Revolution

Revolution Episode One


NBC’s new post apocalyptic tv show Revolution kicked off last night to good ratings with an estimated 11.7 million people watching according to Huffington Post. I watched this episode on a laptop during the pre-release online but it was much more enjoyable to watch on the larger screen in high-definition. In this episode we are introduced to a small group of survivors 15 years after an unknown event disables everything that is run by electricity. Unfortunately, we get to see only bits and pieces of the story during and immediately after the event through character “flashbacks”. The details are vague but it appears as though the cause of the 15 year blackout involves some type of conspiracy. Most of the people we encounter have resorted to a more agrarian lifestyle and are ruled by a “militia” in a feudal type of system. Revolution features some great scenes of a post apocalyptic Chicago from an abandoned O’Hare airport to an overgrown Wrigley field. I’m really looking forward to watching more episodes. There’s something about the anticipation of a weekly show that keeps me interested in tv. If only Revolution and The Walking Dead could push out some of “The Real Housewives of…” shows, the world would be a much better place. Watch this episode through NBC’s website . Leave a comment to let me know what you thought of this show so far.

Image: NBC Revolution tv Show


The Prepper Trilogy by Ron Foster

preppertrilogyWho knew that an EMP wiping out the electric grid could be so much fun!  Ron Foster creates a truly unique world that is down right hilarious at times. In this post-apocalyptic journey, an EMP (electromagnetic pulse) that is caused by a solar flare has destroyed the modern world as we know it, disabling almost everything with electronic components.

The protagonist, David, provides the very unique and often humorous perspective that makes this post-apocalyptic world so much fun.  David doesn’t take himself too seriously and likes to have a good time. He’s no fool though. In fact, he’s a military veteran with a keen sense for survival.

Along with frequent laugh out loud moments, The Prepper Trilogy has a lot of great ideas and practical prepping tips. For me, the laid back, conversational style of the story makes it easy, fun reading. These are very entertaining books. If you can appreciate some “down home”, southern survival fun with a ton of laughs and practical knowledge, the Prepper Trilogy is for you. Ron Foster reminds us that a good sense of humor is an excellent asset in any crisis situation.  

It is refreshing to see some fun and humor in the post-apocalyptic landscape. Let’s not take ourselves too seriously. After all, isn’t laughter part of what makes survival worthwhile in the first place?

One Second After

One Second After was written by William Forstchen and released in 2009. The book tells the story of a small town and their struggle to survive after an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) destroys the power grid in the United States along with all of the electronically based equipment. The story begins shortly before the power goes out and follows the characters for about a year into the post-electricity world. Through the book, Forstchen describes a number of “die-offs” and shows how and why these “die-offs” would take place. For example, the main character’s daughter is diabetic and requires insulin to stay alive – with no refrigeration and a limited supply it is inevitable that they will run out. Nursing homes are also abandoned by the caregivers, leaving the helpless to fend for themselves. Those with chronic medical problems that require medications to live are among the first to die. One Second After provides a wealth of ideas for preparing for a disaster and is an excellent thought experiment into the examination of life without electricity. Above all, it is very entertaining!

Click Here for the Audiobook Version

Lights Out

lightsoutLights out, written by David Crawford, follows a group of survivors in Texas after the electric grid goes down. This book was originally released one chapter at a time via the internet, through message boards. Now that the book is available all in one place, you can follow Mark Turner, otherwise known as “Karate Man”, as he struggles to protect and provide for his family in a post-electric world.

The story describes the decline of civilization following an unknown event that disables almost every modern device and shuts down the electric grid. Presumably some type of electromagnetic pulse (emp) event is to blame.

Throughout his book, Crawford illustrates our dependence on electricity and shares a wealth of practical information for those that want to prepare for a disaster event. Lights Out is a highly entertaining story and is must read apocalyptic fiction!


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