The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 8 Midseason Finale Made to Suffer

The Walking Dead Seaason 3 Episode 8Glenn makes a dagger out of a zombie forearm – was that the radius or ulna Maggie uses to take out the guard? A testament to human ingenuity, for sure. Woodbury is split wide open in The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 8 Midseason Finale “Made to Suffer” as Rick and his team try to save Glenn and Maggie from almost certain death. Old loyalties are brought into question and new possibilities come to light. It’s going to be a long wait until the next episode in February but I have a feeling that it will be well worth it! If you missed this episode you can watch it through the Amazon link below:

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 7 When the Dead Come Knocking

 It looks like the Governor bit off more than he can chew in The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 7 “When the Dead Come Knocking”. Rick and his crew have seen their fair share of hard times and won’t be bowing down to Woodbury and its cronies. There is some undeniable karmic righteousness when evildoers underestimate their victims. Call it what you will but a natural order exists that is inevitably restored to all circumstances, eventually. The Walking Dead is like so many other well told stories and stirs up some ancient archetype that we recognize unconsciously and find so appealing. Or maybe it’s just some good old zombie skull crushing fun. You choose, either way, or both is just fine with me! Enjoy!

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 6 Hounded

The Walking Dead Episode 6

Is that phone really ringing? Has Rick officially gone insane? Messages left in zombie parts? The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 6 Hounded forges its way into the post apocalypse with some more truly unforgettable scenes. After losing so many people in the last episodes, the survivors are further divided in their struggle to stay alive. Being a sociopath certainly has its advantages in the zombie apocalypse, as evidenced by Merle’s apparent success at being Woodbury’s enforcer. Check out the latest episode through the link below:

The Reawakening

The Reawakening

The Reawakening puts a brand new slant on the zombie apocalypse. Joseph Souza’s mutant monsters, which come to be known as “fuckers” are different from traditional zombies in that they often take on features of the infected animals that bite them. Not only that, in the moments preceding their “reawakening” these creatures have some type of unearthly insight into the true nature of reality. I think that mutant zombie is an appropriate name for these reawakened creatures as it becomes apparent that their origin involves some type of genetic experimentation that has gone horribly wrong. Shortly after Thom and his daughter Dar arrive on a trip to visit Thom’s brother in rural Maine, animals and people begin to act very strangely and become increasingly violent. Apparently this abhorrent behavior is caused by some type of new disease that turns the infected into violent maniacs. Worse than that, the diseased are somehow able to reanimate after death and turn into monsters that are driven to consume human flesh. Under constant threat of attack from these reawakened creatures, Thom, his daughter and a small group of survivors are forced to spend a nightmarish winter barricaded in a fortified cabin that is surrounded by an improvised perimeter wall made up of snow, ice and rotting mutant zombies.

Faced with their own destruction and the insanity of their disgusting new world, the survivors have some “reawakenings” of their own. Like some other post-apocalyptic, kick ass female characters, Thom’s daughter Dar discovers her true purpose through the traumatic, violent events in the early stages of the apocalypse. In the spirit of Stephen King’s Cell ( is something in the water up that way? 🙂 ), Joseph Souza reinvents the traditional zombie and creates an entirely new mutant freak. He deserves a great deal of credit for venturing out in his own direction instead of recycling the standard zombie concept. While it may upset some zombie purists (if there is such a thing?), I think most fans of zombie fiction will find The Reawakening to be a bold, surprisingly refreshing and thoroughly entertaining story.

James Wesley Rawles Survivors


In Survivors, James Wesley Rawles explores the same economic disaster that occurs in Patriots from a different perspective, mostly through a new cast of characters. While the story covers the first years of “The Crunch” in the southwestern United States, the most interesting and unique part of Survivors is the story of the newly discharged American Army Captain Andrew Laine and his journey back home to New Mexico from Afghanistan. With fuel shortages, violence and chaos reigning, Captain Laine is forced to find his own way back to the United States. He travels through post-shit hits the fan (shtf) Germany, France, England, crosses the atlantic ocean to Belize, then finally goes through Mexico and into the US. Much like he does in Patriots, Rawles provides copious details in his descriptions and, with the steady stream of bible passages, the book seems tailored with a fairly specific reader in mind. While the in-depth, detailed information is useful in terms of gaining knowledge, it makes the reading tedious at times. For example, when a character encounters a new gun, Rawles goes into considerable details on the history, mechanics, durability, range and effectiveness of the weapon, making the internal dialogue and narration slightly monotonous and unrealistic. The conversations in morse code are downright painful to get through. To give credit where credit is due, Rawles has packed a lot of useful prepping information into this book. He provides detailed information on a variety of topics including the possible uses of gold and silver as currency, using morse code via ham radio, weapons, food, fuel and even gives basic instructions on how to make molotov cocktails. If you are able to handle the sometimes “preachy” chapter introductions, a lot can be learned from Survivors. Rawles writes informative, “how-to” books in a fictional format. Unfortunately, the fictional aspect often takes a back seat to his strong religious message and “prepping” information. That being said, I would read Survivors again for its crisis preparation advice and its interesting speculation about world travel after an economic disaster.

Click Here for the Audiobook Version

For those of you that are interested in learning more about James Wesley Rawles and disaster preparation, visit his blog at . In case you aren’t familiar with his site, it is actually one of the most popular blogs in the survival/prepping arena and will provide you with a practically endless amount of useful information.

Revolution Episode 4 and Onwards


I give up. The premise of the show was unbeatable. The power grid goes down all over the world and in the blink of an eye civilization plunges into a new dark age. With a mainstream budget and resources how could it go wrong? Being such a fan of apocalyptic fiction, I really tried to like this show, but alas, I must admit defeat. Now that the villain is on a quest to obtain the twelve magical amulets or talismans that inhibit the energy dampening field that is responsible for the blackout I think I am officially out. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoy fantasy fiction and am perfectly willing to accept some magical or religious-like powers so long as it is relevant and adds to a good plot. It is beyond me though why the writers would veer off into this direction when there are so many plausible, scientific reasons for a worldwide black out, like an EMP or CME. To top it off, the actual storyline is weak. I don’t care for any of the characters and basically don’t care what happens to them or their messed up world. After the first couple of episodes, they haven’t even been showing any good post apocalyptic scenery. I think the final nail in the coffin was when my wife, who gets scared when a horror movie commercial comes on tv said “this is kind of a lightweight show”. I offer my apologies to those of you that think the show is great…I tried, I really did try to like this show but we all have our limits. I might not go so far as to cancel the scheduled recording of future episodes on the DVR but I won’t be at all upset when my wife “accidentally” deletes them.

If you want to watch the show, NBC has full episodes of Revolution available for free through their website:

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 4 Killer Within

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 4

Can’t we have just one good day? The world answers Glenn back with a resounding NO in The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 4 titled Killer Within when they discover that the prison walls have been breached by hundreds of bloodthirsty zombies. Maybe that’s what is so great about apocalyptic fiction in general, no matter how bad your day is, it can always be a LOT worse. What could be worse than being stuck in a prison full of flesh-eating zombies? How about getting your throat ripped out by one of those zombies…

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 3 Walk With Me

the walking dead season 3 episode 3The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 3 titled Walk With Me introduces us to a whole new group of survivors and their well-kept, relatively safe community of Woodbury. Andrea and her friend, Michonne, are first captured and later welcomed by the leader of Woodbury known as “The Governor”. The characters in The Walking Dead really show their battle hardened/seasoned nature after a year of struggling to survive the zombie apocalypse. These are characters forged in a constant life and death struggle. The writers and actors deserve a lot credit for continuing to create this awesome television show. Thank you! Watch the episode through the link below:

The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 2 Sick

The Walking Dead Season 3

What’s the difference between a walker and a blood crazed sociopath? Not much. Which is why Rick has to eliminate some holed up human monsters in their new-found prison sanctuary. In The Walking Dead Season 3 Episode 2 titled Sick, Rick and our small band of survivors stumble upon a group of prisoners that don’t understand the full scope of the zombie problem. Apparently, the fact that Rick and the crew actually broke into a prison wasn’t enough for these dim wits to realize that the world had gone bad. It was amusing to hear these prisoners that had been isolated since the start of the zombie apocalypse asking questions like “why don’t you go to the hospital?” or “where’s the National Guard?” all while acting like they are so tough. A dark apocalyptic sense of humor is greatly appreciated by this fan, though I’m sure prisoners the world over were offended by the apparent assault on their intelligence. Watch this episode at Amazon through the link below:

Brushfire Plague

brushfire plague
In R.P. Ruggiero’s new apocalyptic novel Brushfire Plague, a highly contagious, lethal new virus is spreading across the world, forcing civilization to its knees. The virus is aptly named the Brushfire Plague after its ability to spread extremely fast and its very high mortality rate.

In Brushfire Plague, there are no bugout locations and there is no safety. The virus attacks indiscriminately and kills fast. This apocalyptic story follows the early stages of a rapidly spreading pandemic and the violent beginnings of civil breakdown in suburban Portland, Oregon. Cooper, a combat veteran, is unable leave his recently buried wife and decides to make a stand at his suburban home. In an attempt to fend off the seemingly never-ending waves of violent incursions, Cooper works to organize his neighbors. With the help of his best friend and neighbor, Dranko, they are able to equip a small neighborhood defensive force.

Right from the beginning of Brushfire Plague, violent threats are met with deadly force. R.P. Ruggiero presents a fight or die type of scenario that I suspect is quite similar to what it would be like in a war zone. With no time for deliberation, one must choose to stand up against those with harmful intent or be at their mercy.

Brushfire Plague really captures the sense of panic and sadness that would undoubtedly accompany such a large-scale disaster. For an added twist, Cooper discovers that the plague may not be a random occurrence and may actually have its origins in a laboratory. 

Ruggiero has written a very entertaining apocalyptic novel that presents an entirely possible pandemic scenario through a cast of interesting and likable characters. Bring on the sequel!

The Walking Dead Season Three

the walking dead season three

The Walking Dead is back and better than ever! After travelling aimlessly through the winter looking for a safe place to roost, the small group of survivors has found temporary safety within the grounds of a Georgia State Correctional Facility. Our survivors are hungry, tired and running out of ammunition. Not to mention Lori looks close to having Shane’s err..Rick’s baby. This might just be the best tv show ever created! Watch the The Walking Dead Season Three premiere titled Seed through the link below:

Also, check out the Talking Dead with cast interviews.


Wool Omnibus Edition


Wool Omnibus Edition, a collection of the first five books in the Wool Series, written by Hugh Howey, is a truly impressive post apocalyptic science fiction saga.

The Wool Series vividly describes the detailed inner workings of a society that has been living in a massive underground survival shelter called a “silo” for hundreds of years. Every conceivable detail has been considered in the construction of this fictional underground civilization that was created to sustain human life after some unfathomable cataclysmic event.

Intricate human relationships develop within the massive 140 floor underground silo that is mostly self-sufficient as though it were some deep space colony. Indeed, the surface of the Earth has been made so inhospitable that it might as well be another planet. The detail and consideration that went into this silo is almost unimaginable. Even the physical features of the silo were designed deliberately to impede communication and cooperation among the residents. The truth is deliberately concealed from the general population as if it was a virus that would destroy the fragile remnants of civilization. So much thought, planning and effort has been made to keep the truth hidden from the general population, supposedly for their own good.

Like other great science fiction, Wool explores the idea of how a new discovery might impact the delicately constructed framework of human reality. Hugh Howey deserves a great deal of credit for the thought and imagination that he poured into the incredibly intelligent story that is destined to become a science fiction classic. Remarkable in its breadth and scope, it is certain that Wool will leave a lasting impression in your mind.

Click Here to Listen to the Audiobook Version

Revolution Episode One


NBC’s new post apocalyptic tv show Revolution kicked off last night to good ratings with an estimated 11.7 million people watching according to Huffington Post. I watched this episode on a laptop during the pre-release online but it was much more enjoyable to watch on the larger screen in high-definition. In this episode we are introduced to a small group of survivors 15 years after an unknown event disables everything that is run by electricity. Unfortunately, we get to see only bits and pieces of the story during and immediately after the event through character “flashbacks”. The details are vague but it appears as though the cause of the 15 year blackout involves some type of conspiracy. Most of the people we encounter have resorted to a more agrarian lifestyle and are ruled by a “militia” in a feudal type of system. Revolution features some great scenes of a post apocalyptic Chicago from an abandoned O’Hare airport to an overgrown Wrigley field. I’m really looking forward to watching more episodes. There’s something about the anticipation of a weekly show that keeps me interested in tv. If only Revolution and The Walking Dead could push out some of “The Real Housewives of…” shows, the world would be a much better place. Watch this episode through NBC’s website . Leave a comment to let me know what you thought of this show so far.

Image: NBC Revolution tv Show


The Last Degree

The Last DegreeIn her book The Last Degree, Dina Rae gives us a fascinating, sometimes frightening glimpse into the inner workings of the secret societies and their evil apocalyptic conspiracy.

This is a very enjoyable book. Normally, I do most of my reading at night, but I’ll admit parts of this book were read in the daytime as the occult and satanic subject matter was keeping me awake.

The Last Degree refers to the highest level of achievement in Freemasonry. As it turns out, at least according to the author, Freemasonry is deeply involved in the occult and is working behind the scenes to implement a “New World Order” under the rule of the devil and his/her followers. Different books from the bible, including Revelations are skillfully interwoven with Freemason mythology and world history to create a seamless apocalyptic scenario.

At first, The Last Degree has elements of a crime story and mystery as detectives and a reporter investigate the murder of the highest ranking Freemason in Chicago. As the story unfolds, Dina Rae expertly adds elements of religion, espionage, war and politics to create a complex and multidimensional world. For this reason, The Last Degree will appeal to a wide variety of readers. Clearly, Dina Rae has considerable knowledge and has done a lot of research in writing this book. Conspiracy buffs will be delighted! From the survivalist compounds in the Smokey Mountains to the intricate details of the Freemason rituals, The Last Degree will keep you in suspense from start to finish. This is a 5 star book that I can easily recommend!

Giveaway – Win a Copy of Glen Tate’s 299 Days Book One The Preparation


299 Days Book One The Preparation

This cat knows a good book when he sees one!

We just got a copy of 299 Days Book One: The Preparation. There’s still time to enter our giveaway to win a free copy of the first book in the 299 Days Series! Enter below:

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